
Eros vd Zwikshoek

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Eros vd Zwikshoek, Dutch Champion

In the 1970s the Dutch, exemplified and led by Coen Semler, abandoned their own lines, evolved over half century, to replace them with Belgian show lines, at a time when they were in reality in decline.

In Eros v d Zwikshoek we have a fine example of these old lines; the Dutch gave up a lot when they turned their back on their own heritage to go to almost exclusively Belgian lines for the show ring.

			B/A Ch  Job de la Thudinie  '60
		Lais du Posty Arlequin  '62
			Idole du Posty Arlequin
	D Ch  Uran Peggy v d Rakkers  '64
			D Ch'60  Hasano  '57
		D Ch  Peggy Nancy v d Rakkers  '59
			Nancy Lucia v d Rakkers  '57
Eros vd Zwikshoek  HD+- '68
			Arnoroh  '58
		D Ch'64  Soprano Peggy v d Rakkers  '61
			D Ch  Peggy Nancy v d Rakkers  '59
	Cicilia Alma v d Zwikshoek
			D Ch '59  Barry v d Veenhoeve  '56
		Alma v d Zwikshoek  '63
			Magda  '58

Regst:  NHSB.443813 
Brdr:  	G.B.Kuiper
Born:   1968

Jan 1, 2016