The history of the GSDCA WDA is long, convoluted and without much in the way of honest representation or serious concern about working dogs in general or the German Shepherd in particular. But sometimes there is a ray of hope to remind us that while many of these people have been deceived it remains true that you can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. As these fundamentally decent and honest people work their way up in the organization some of them are not fooled, can not be prevented from seeing the tangled web of lies the WDA is based on.

As a good example, in June of 2010 the president of the WDA, Mr. Danny Spreitler, resigned his office with a ringing denunciation of the organization and the long term people who participated to this conspiracy to deceive. This was an act of enormous wisdom and courage, for many people exposed to corruption and deceit in high places are gradually sucked into the deceit, never quite arrive at that moment to make the break and tell the simple truth.

Text of Mr. Spreitler's letter:

Sent: 6/30/2010 12:10:32 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Letter of Resignation

Today I announce my resignation as President of the GSDCA-WDA. I have learned that one must be able to live with oneself in order to enjoy all that life has to offer. At this time, when so many great things are happening around me, I find myself mired in the political strife of the GSDCA-WDA and GSDCA. And to what end is the political strife going to benefit our great breed? It will not. I was elected because I would fight for the membership. Now I find that I am so politically correct that I quit fighting for all the wrong reasons. I can no longer be part of the lies and deceit.
The GSDCA-WDA can never fully realize its place for the breed as long as it falls under the realm of the GSDCA. And fall it does. The GSDCA holds the seat in the WUSV and controls the flow of judges, events and all paperwork. The GSDCA-WDA relationship is built around the fact that the GSDCA wants to maintain the seat in the WUSV and the GSDCA-WDA is the only way to keep it. For years, the SV and WUSV have been misled by the GSDCA WUSV Liaison, Dr. David Landau, regarding the relationship between the GSDCA and the GSDCA-WDA. Wolfgang Henke, President of the SV, made reference to this deceit while speaking to the membership at the 2009 North American Sieger Show. The written agreement between the GSDCA and the GSDCA-WDA was demanded by the SV once they learned of the true depth of the deceit. The deceit continues as the membership numbers reported to the WUSV are inflated. GSDCA is not the largest German Shepherd organization in the United States . One only has to look at the last issue of the GSDCA Review to validate the membership numbers. One day soon the lies must stop. The GSDCA will never adhere to the world standard of the GermanShepherd. Never will the German Shepherd be a working breed in the GSDCA. In all honesty, in the United States there are two breeds of German Shepherd - the world standard and the GSDCA standard. Only one has been around for over a hundred years. In an effort to work with the GSDCA, I failed you- those who elected me to serve.

Danny J. Spreitler


Jim Engel, Marengo    © Copyright