FCI Utility Dog Commission Breaks Under Pressure.

The FCI Utility Dog Commission, under pressure from the massive outcry of working trainers everywhere, has knuckled under and reversed the decision to remove the stick hits from the 2014 FCI IPO championships in Sweden.

In one sense this is a victory, but it is also a warning, a wakeup call for working dog people everywhere; a victory in one small battle, but we are still at war.

If we are at war, who is the enemy?   The enemy is the FCI, for this is an organization by and for show dog enthusiasts and pet dog breeders, an organization always willing to throw working dog trainers under the  bus in response to pressure from the green party politicians and animal rights advocates.

More fundamentally, we are under pressure from do gooder European Liberalism which incessantly seeks to control and restrict the freedom of individuals in the European Union and the rest of the world through the influence of Euro centric organizations such as the FCI.

This is a battle on many fronts, and Americans especially need to become prepared to resist; should our European friends and mentors lose their struggle to train their dogs in the traditional ways, we must resist, must not be taken under to drown, must establish our own culture and organizations, independent of Europe. 

Right now, it is important to make contact with the decision makers, the Utility Dog Commissioners, and make them understand our priorities.

FCI Utility Dog Commission

Jim Engel, Marengo    © Copyright